Can Fibre Help Reverse Fatty Liver? A Dietitian’s Insight

Fatty liver diet tips, berries, fibre, antioxidants, Sydney dietitian, nutrition advice

Let’s face it, dealing with fatty liver can feel overwhelming knowing there is no medical treatment or pill that will fix it. Yet, many people are surprised to learn that the right dietary changes play a powerful role in reversing this condition. 

In saying that, reversing fatty liver isn’t about drastic diets or extreme restrictions. In fact, one of the most effective ways to nourish and protect your liver involves increasing fibre intake. Sounds like a perfect fit for our approach at The Lifestyle Dietitian: focusing on foods to add in.

Why Fibre is Crucial for Reversing Fatty Liver

Fibre does more than just aid digestion, it plays a key role in reversing fatty liver by addressing three critical factors:

1. Insulin Resistance

When your body struggles with insulin, the liver ends up storing excess fat. Fibre helps balance blood sugar and improves insulin sensitivity, which can significantly reduce fat stored in the liver.

2. Fat Metabolism

Fibre helps your liver better manage fat molecules within the body. A diet rich in fibre supports the liver in breaking down and using fats efficiently, preventing fat from building up in the liver.

3. Gut-Liver Axis

The liver and gut are more connected than you might think! Fibre feeds beneficial gut bacteria, which produce short-chain fatty acids. These acids help reduce inflammation and support better liver function.

Top Three Fibre-Rich Foods for Fatty Liver

If you’re ready to take action, here are three high-fibre foods to add to your diet:

1. Berries

These nutrient-rich fruits, like blueberries and raspberries, are loaded with antioxidants and fibre. Studies have shown that the polyphenols in berries help reduce oxidative stress and inflammation in the liver. Plus, their high fibre content promotes gut health and supports the production of short-chain fatty acids. Add a handful to your breakfast, or try a new berry-packed recipe like our Chia Popsicle Bites, Strawberry Spring Salad, or Simple Strawberry Jam.

2. Flaxseeds

Tiny but powerful, flaxseeds are loaded with fibre, lignans and omega-3 fatty acids. These mighty seeds support liver health by reducing inflammation, promoting the breakdown of liver fats and improving insulin sensitivity thanks to being rich in a unique type of fibre called soluble fibre. Sprinkle over porridge, blend into a smoothie, stir through yoghurt or if you have a little extra time up your sleeve, try our Bake-at-home Seedy Crackers.

3. Legumes (Beans, Lentils, Chickpeas)

Legumes are an excellent source of fibre and plant-based protein. Even more impressive? The type of fibre they contain is “prebiotic”, meaning it promotes the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, leading to increased production of anti-inflammatory by-products that reduce inflammation and fat buildup in the liver. Plus, they’re versatile and easy to add to soups, salads, or even make into a tasty dip! If you’re new to legumes and need recipe inspiration, boy do we have lots for you. Try our Spinach and Red Lentil Dahl, Fibre Filled Cosy Cottage Pie, Gut Loving Pumpkin Soup, Cookie Dough Protein Balls or Crispy Roasted Chickpeas.

Managing fatty liver doesn’t have to be a restrictive or complicated but it does require consistent steps. Small, sustainable changes, like adding more fibre, will compound over time to reverse fatty liver. And, we’re here to guide you every step of the way. We don’t just hand you a meal plan and send you on your way - we work with you to create long-lasting changes by combining personalised nutrition with a focus on behaviour change. Our team is here to help you feel empowered and confident in achieving sustainable improvements without feeling overwhelmed.

Ready to take control of your liver health and feel more confident in your food choices? Book an appointment with our team today.




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Michelle Theodosi