Feeling out of control around chocolate? Here's might by why.

The Easter season is upon us (and seems to start earlier each year!), complete with Cadbury, Lindt, hot cross buns and a few extra trips to the kitchen for a sneaky chocolate egg. While some of us happily eat the extra Easter delights and move on with our day, others face immense guilt and out of control frenzied eating. Sounding all too familiar? Don’t fret. Digging into why you can’t stop thinking about chocolate is the first essential step to jump out of this basket of guilt and self-blame. Here are the top reasons we as Dietitians know underlie feeling out of control around chocolate, and you might be surprised.

Restricting chocolates and treats

Internal diet rules that limit or completely cut out chocolate will trigger fixation and a drive to overeat it. We call this the “forbidden fruit” effect, often enforced by the Food Police. This might look like telling yourself you cannot eat chocolate at all or only after lunch or only the “healthy” dark chocolate. If diet rules are something you struggle with, download our free ebook Ditch Dieting Forever.

Not eating regularly throughout the day

Whether intentional or unintentional, skipping meals and snacks trigger an uptick in endless thoughts about food and overeating. Our body needs a regular stream of fuel across the day to function and stay alive. When we don’t regularly eat, the brain sends very strong signals to overeat. A classic example is skipping meals and snacks in the lead up to Easter lunch to “save calories”. Sure enough, you arrive both physically hungry and mentally deprived. Sounds like fertile ground for feeling out of control around food to us!

Not eating enough at meals and snacks

If you are eating regularly across the day but not including enough calories and nutrients, this can contribute to thinking about and overindulging in chocolate later. Including a combination of fat, carbohydrate, protein and fibre is important for satisfying your body and reducing overthinking about food. How much you need is incredibly individual and changes day-to-day. Working with a Dietitian will support you in understanding your needs.

Mindless eating

So, you regularly eat meals and snacks with enough calories and nutrients and don’t place mental restrictions, but still find yourself feeling out of control around chocolate? Mindless eating may be at play. To feel full and satisfied from food (including chocolate), eating mindfully and truly engaging your senses without distractions is key. When eating mindlessly, it is easy to either eat past the point of fullness or not quite reach the point of satisfaction. On the other hand, mindful eating allows you to find that sweet spot of satisfaction and reduces the “forbidden fruit” effect.

If feeling out of control around food is something struggle with and you want to feel empowered with strategies to manage it, our team is here for you. Book in with one of our Accredited Practising Dietitians for personalised and non-judgemental support.

Michelle Theodosi