6 Kitchen Staples You Need if You Want to Eat More Plant-Based

So, you have decided to go plant-based but now struggling to make easy meals? Having the right kitchen staples on hand that strike the balance between nutrition, taste and simplicity is key. Nutrients to keep in mind that can be hard to get on a plant-based diet include iron, zinc, calcium, omega 3 fats and iodine. To help you out, we have selected six staples to stock up on if you want to make nutritious, tasty and simple plant-based meals.


Tofu is the perfect plant-based protein to base your meals around. It is rich in iron and zinc and some varieties are set in calcium so are also a good source of this mineral. Be sure to check the ingredients list for “calcium sulfate” or setting agents “509” or “516” to ensure the tofu you select has calcium. Easy ways to use tofu include pan-frying a pre-marinated option to pop into your wraps, bowls and sandwiches.  


Legumes like beans, chickpeas and lentils are a great pantry edition that give a nutritious boost to any meal with their iron content. Iron is an important mineral that transports oxygen all over your body for every cell to function. When it comes to legumes, think baked beans, canned lentils and even legume-based pastas for something different. For recipe inspiration, try our Chickpea Pasta with Lentils and Leftover Vegetables.

Dried seaweed 

Seaweed is not only a delicious snack but also a good source of iodine. Iodine is a mineral essential for the production of thyroid hormones that regulate growth, metabolism and how your body uses the protein, carbohydrates and fats you eat. Opt for snack packets of seaweed to grab-and-go or stock up on nori sheets that can be used to make rolled sushi or sushi bowls.

Seeds and Nuts

Chia seeds, flax seeds, and walnuts are pantry must-haves to meet your omega 3 requirements. Omega 3 fats are important for reducing inflammation, blood pressure and cholesterol and supporting optimal brain health, fertility and mood. These nuts and seeds are incredibly versatile. Try blending into smoothies, sprinkling on salads, garnishing your next stir fry or simply snack on a handful.


This whole grain is packed with various nutrients including iron and zinc which are important for a healthy immune system, wound healing and skin health. To save time, cook a batch of quinoa and freeze for later or pick up a pre-cooked microwave packet.

Calcium-fortified soy milk

If you have decided to switch to plant milk, calcium-fortified soy milk is the way to go. This is because it is most similar to dairy milk in terms of protein and calcium. To select one with a good source of calcium, check the nutrition panel for at least 120mg calcium per 100ml. Curious to learn more about selecting a nutritious plant milk? Check out our plant milk guide.

If eating more plant-based is your goal but you are struggling to create an overall balanced way of eating, book in with one of our Accredited Practising Dietitians.

Michelle Theodosi