
It’s no secret that Dietitians love their Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) and we are going to share why.

EVOO has been heralded for its anti-inflammatory properties, monounsaturated (healthy) fat content and stability at high temperatures. EVOO also helps us absorb fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K, and adds a fruity yet peppery flavour to our meals. As an important element in the Mediterranean diet, EVOO continues to be consumed by some of the world’s healthiest populations.

Olive oil is extracted from the fruit of the olive tree. You may have seen this in different forms on supermarket shelves, such as Extra virgin olive oil, pure olive oil or light olive oil. Extra virgin olive oil is the least processed, least refined oil and has the highest nutrient content.

If you need any more reasons to choose Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Keep reading to find out our five top reasons:

1. It’s a Stable Cooking Oil

EVOO has THREE features that make it a stable cooking oil:

  • It is made up of a unique combination of stable monounsaturated fats (i.e. oleic acid)

  • It has a low level of free fatty acids (a high level of free fatty acids makes the oil more prone to damage)

  • It is packed with phenolic compounds (antioxidants)

All of these features protect the oil from being broken down as it is heated, making EVOO the perfect choice for cooking.

2. High in antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties

A collection of studies measuring the effect of EVOO on the body show improvements in markers of inflammation. These markers are generally linked to heart disease risk and may explain why EVOO is protective against inflammatory conditions such as heart disease.

3. Reduces the risk of heart disease

EVOO is rich in monounsaturated (healthy) fats and phenolic compounds (antioxidants) which increase HDL (healthy) cholesterol, reduce LDL (unhealthy) cholesterol and reduce blood pressure. These actions help lower the risk of heart disease and stroke in EVOO consumers. The Predimed study, which compared a Mediterranean diet supplemented with 4 tablespoons of EVOO daily vs a low-fat diet, showed a 30% reduction in heart disease and stroke over a 7 year period.

4. Helps to Reduces the risk of type two diabetes

Studies on the role of EVOO in blood sugar management showed a link between frequent EVOO consumption and reduced Type 2 Diabetes risk and improved blood sugar control.

5. Linked to good mood and improved mental health

A collection of studies on anti-inflammatory diets revealed a link between the Mediterranean diet and a lower incidence of depression. While further research is needed to confirm that the Mediterranean diet truly causes this improvement, the research looks promising!

Now that you’re aware of some of the reasons to love Extra Virgin Olive Oil, try starting with one of our top tips for including more in your diet today:

  • Use EVOO in a salad dressing - EVOO and balsamic vinegar or lemon juice are the perfect mix!

  • Swap your cooking oil over to EVOO

  • Add flavour to your veggies by baking them in the oven with EVOO. See our Mediterranean Tray Bake recipe for ideas

  • Instead of using garlic butter to make garlic bread, throw together your own mix of crushed garlic, EVOO and herbs. Brush this onto whole-grain bread slices and grill until crispy!

We hope we’ve convinced you to hop aboard the EVOO train. If you would like further support transitioning to a more Mediterranean lifestyle, book in with one of our Dietitians today.




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Michelle Theodosi