Miso Salmon Bowls

Did you know current dietary recommendations for fish are to consume two to three serves a week? Opting for oily fish, like the salmon in these Miso Salmon Bowls, is best as they are rich in heart healthy and anti-inflammatory omega 3 fats. Just one of these bowls provides a whopping 2630 mg of omega 3 fats. Keep an extra serve marinating in the fridge for lunch the next day, you will thank yourself later.

Serves 2


  • 2 x 120g salmon fillets

  • 2 tbsp miso paste

  • 2.5 tsp white sugar

  • 2 tsp sake (Japanese rice wine)

  • 2 tsp mirin

  • 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

  • ½ cup frozen edamame, shelled

  • 10-15 cherry tomatoes, halved

  • 2 medium carrots, ribboned* or grated

  • 2 handfuls baby spinach

  • Microwave packet of mixed grains

*Drag potato peeler down whole length of the carrot to create long ribbons


  1. Mix together miso paste, white sugar, sake and mirin in a small bowl until smooth.

  2. Coat the salmon pieces with the marinade. If time permits, marinade for 24-48 hours (optional).

  3. Preheat extra virgin olive oil in a frying pan at medium-high heat. Meanwhile, microwave the rice and edamame beans (as per packet instructions).

  4. Place salmon skin side down in pan. Cook for 4 minutes, then flip and cook for a further 3 minutes or until caramelised.

  5. Flip the salmon again and cut open at the thickest part to check if cooked through. Cook further if needed.

  6. Assemble your bowl by adding the rice, edamame beans, cherry tomatoes, baby spinach and carrot first. Slide the cooked salmon on top and enjoy.

RecipesMichelle Theodosi