Coconut Lime Bliss Balls

Looking for a grab and go energy boosting snack? These coconut lime bliss balls are the perfect solution. Lime is the hero in this recipe. It pairs perfectly with coconut to create a tasty tropical flavour and provides a good hit of vitamin C. This is key for helping your body absorb the iron coming from the almonds, cashews and dates. What a great way to hit your nutrition goals without giving up taste.

Makes 12 balls


  • ¾ cup almonds

  • ¼ cup cashews

  • 1 cup fresh dates (remove seeds)

  • Zest of 3 limes

  • Juice of 3 limes

  • ½ tsp vanilla extract

  • ¼ cup shredded coconut



  1. Blend all ingredients together (excluding coconut).

  2. Scoop out a rounded tablespoon of the mixture. Roll into a ball using your hands, and roll in coconut. Repeat until no mixture is left.

  3. Refrigerate in an airtight container and keep ready to eat for up one week.

RecipesMichelle Theodosi